
Posts Tagged ‘6WT Fly Rod’

The family heads down to the West Fork area of the Madison River to fish the water just South of West Fork Cabin Camp, where Michael and I stayed in 2017. This is all riffle water with very few exposed boulders…

West Fork area on the Madison River…

Breakfast round of go-fish with Cairo…

Cairo…ready for a busy day…

These are a few of the streamer patterns I packed for this section of the Madison River…three Articulated and one Cone Head…

The view from the bridge at West Fork on the Madison River…

It was bit windy when we arrived…

Aimee, Diane and Cairo…dressed for wind…

Looking North…Up the 80 mile riffle…

Looking South…

Michael out in the middle…

Cairo lending suggestions, advise and pro tips…

Michael retrieving a streamer…

Using my Scott Centric 10′, 6wt. fly rod and Nautilus CCF X2 Reel…

The “old guy” geared up  with new Simms G4Z Sockingfoot waders ( they are the bomb)…especially when one has an Ostomy…

The only boulder in the river within miles…

Michael with a nice Brown Trout…

These are the rods and reels Ally, Nick and I used here…(L-R) Scott Centric 10′, 6wt., Scott A2 10′, 6wt. and Winston BIIIX Super 10, 5wt. 

My driver, heading back to the Madison Angler’s House…


Aimee wanted the entire family to spend the afternoon boating on Hebgen Lake. We took snacks and beverages to explore parts of the lake I had never seen in all of my trips up to that particular area…Cairo had a blast…

The Marina at Hebgen Lake, MT…

There were small Trout rising to Callibaetis emergers all over the place in here…

Zooming Hebgen Lake…

Snacking in a cove away from the wind…

There are lots of sheltered spots to pull into…

Cairo and Michael…

Cairo in the groove in the front of the boat, He was jumping up and down while Michael held on to his life vest strap. Probably the most fun of the entire trip…

After our boating adventure, we all headed to West Yellowstone and the pilgrimage to Blue Ribbon Flies

Ally at the shop…

A view towards the rear of the shop…fly bins on the right…

…and towards the front of the shop…

Hair bin…I am not going to mince words. The quality of this onetime Fly Fishing Mecca has gone down the tubes since Craig Matthews is no longer involved. I am sorry to say that now, it’s just another run of the mill fly shop in West Yellowstone…

I did, however, pick up a few things…

TR’s Burgers in West Yellowstone for dinner, next to BRF and Michael rated as excellent Bison Burgers…

Michael photobombing Aimee…

…for the tourists…

Cairo’s crash landing at TR’s Burgers…


NEXT: Last Day in Montana….The Bridge and Moo’s 40th. celebration




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The first of September marks Michael’s Birthday celebration each year…Ally and I had planned on visiting him and Aimee up in the Bay area for the Holiday weekend…HOWEVER, Aimee came up with this idea of meeting up in Bridgeport because Michael wanted to go FLY FISHING for his birthday present…So, me and the Ally escaped LA at 6:00 AM and headed up the Eastside…

My driver, Ally somewhere North of Mojave…

After the perfunctory stop at Mahogany Smoked Meats in Bishop, CA and two pounds of Jerky…up the grade towards Bridgeport and the old guy behind the wheel…We met Aimee and Michael at the Virginia Creek Settlement and tossed our gear and sleeping bags into a tent cabin while Michael set up his tent in the campground…then (finally) it was time (2PM) to hit this place…

East Walker River in the “Miracle Mile” section…

Michael rigs his rod while sampling the JERKY we got for him…

Old guy lands a dinky Brown on this:

SIMPLY RED # 18…on the right…

This guy has seen a hook before…

Michael works the water with an attractor lead and Midge dropper…the water was warm, with a lot of moss, that made deep nymphing  difficult. It required checking both flies for accumulated crud before each cast…

The Scott A2, 10′, 6wt. with a Tibor Freestone reel…I use this when the flows are high on the East Walker…they were running about 348cfs. on Thursday evening and the fishing was tough..but there’s always COKE !!!

Michael does his thing out in the heavy water as the sun sets on the East Walker…We were quite fortunate that there were very few people on this stretch of the river this particular evening…we had it to ourselves…

“MOO’s BLUE MIDGE” # 18…

HOOK: Gamakatsu C12B Scud Hook, #18-#20

THREAD: Tiemco 16/0, Black

ABDOMEN: Blue Krystal Flash

TAIL: Pearl Midge Flash

RIB: Wapsi wire, x-sm, silver

THORAX: Purple Iridescent Peacock Herl (Spirit River)

BEAD: Silver Tungsten, sized to hook

I tied a bunch of these up for Michael for his birthday and this trip, in #18-#20..I wonder if they work ???

So…I am standing with Ally at the gauge, having given Michael my rod with the above fly attached as a dropper…we hear this yelling above us and I see Michael being dragged down river from above us…he’s stumbling and banging into the bushes while he tries to maintain his balance…”DAD, he yells, GET your net out!!!”…So I do and LOOK what jumped into it…




Time to return to Brown town…

Time for us to come back tomorrow morning…MOONRISE on the East Walker River…

Michael and PT plan the morning strategy…

The next (bright) morning on the East Walker River…

DAD’s turn to get into a fish…on this:

PALINISTA – (apologies to EVA PERON)

HOOK: Mustad C49S, #18 -#20, Daiichii 1130, #18-#20…used above

THREAD: Gordon Griffith’s 14/0, Red, White

TAIL: 1 Strand Pearl Krystal Flash

ABDOMEN:White Thread

OVERABDOMEN: Hareline Stalcup’s Micro Tubing, Blue

RIB: Wapsi Silver Wire, X-SM

WING: Grizzly Krystal Flash Black and White, 3strands, cut short

THORAX: Arizona Diamond Hair Pearl Green or Blue

BEAD: Silver, 5/64 or 1/16

For some reason, the Browns on the East Walker just love this fly…

Michael works back up through the section he fished the night before…

…and plops his offerings back into the SAME slot…

NO takers…time for the traditional BARKER lunch…

Salami, Swiss Cheese, Coleman’s Mustard and Chileno Peppers…




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