
Posts Tagged ‘South River Fly Shop’

Back in the day…that would be the sixties, growing up in the South and attending a Southern University in “the loveliest village on the plains”, the UNIFORM was Bass “Weejuns”, Gold Cup socks, Corbin slacks, Alligator belts, Gant Shirts, London Fog windbreakers with a Camel hair, V-neck sweaters or, on less frigid days, a button up Alpaca Sweaters…In those “Animal House” days, one could travel from one school to another and every guy was dressed pretty much the same…That idyllic time was exploded by events unfolding and occurring half a world away…When my turn came, in 1967, I gave my Father my three favorite Alpaca sweaters to keep for me. I returned to California in 1971 to find that the elbows on each sweater had been worn through by the endless hours my Dad spent in “leather sewers” along the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood – places like the Cock N’ Bull, Scandia and Frascatti’s…my love affair with fabric from these guys – was over:

( PHOTO: from River Mist Farm -Alpacas)

I would encounter these critters from time to time in Independence, CA, while traveling up Hwy. # 395 to Bishop, Ca and beyond…the one’s I saw were used as pack animals for those who ventured into the High Sierra backcountry…I and Ally thought they were cute…

Now Alpaca fiber has appeared for Fly Tying in the form of Paca-Dub and Paca-Tips from FIBER-FLIES

I am interested in finding out how well this material traps air bubbles and will be adding some patterns for Spring that utilize this product. It is currently available at: SOUTH RIVER FLY SHOP


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